The Lions of Hong Kong
Posted on Friday, February 5th, 2010
Location: West of Fort Davis Texas
Run Cursor Over Image For Overlay
I am dedicating this geoglyph of an adult Asiatic male lion (teacher/mentor) and a lion cub (student) to the students, faculty, staff and alumni of King George Vth School. (The Lions of Hong Kong). KGV has trained and motivated its middle school students for over 100 years to excel and to serve their respective cultures upon the completion of their studies. It is an honor for me to have worn the Lion emblem and to be a part of these alumni now living and serving around the world. KGV School Song.
Hendon Harris
School Days in Hong Kong
It is my belief that the Lions of Hong Kong were made from gold mine tailings that have drifted over hundreds if not thousands of years from the Baldy Peak Bowl gold mine at the bottom of Baldy Peak Texas. The Shan Hai Jing expedition journal reports that there were large gold deposits found there by the 2200 BC expedition. (Read the report in Asiatic Fathers of America). Later immigrants from China developed the mine and built the city at the base of the mountain.
For the best view of the extent of the huge mine tailings field “google map” Fort Davis, Texas and at 5 miles on the left bottom legend you can then “drag” your cursor across the page to move around the area and see the tan mine tailings. For a view of Baldy Peak Bowl itself “google map” Baldy Peak Texas. Erosion has long ago scrubbed the immediate “bowl” area so the current evidence of the mine tailings are now downhill and downstream. The bowl was bleached by the miners as they were taking the mountain down.
When you download Baldy Peak/Baldy Peak Bowl you need to turn the page upside down to get the proper relief prospective. You can’t get this prospective from viewing the computer screen itself unless you can rotate it 180 degrees.
The Beak of the 10th Sun Raven STILL GLOWS!
Chinese Discover America » Blog Archive » Who Is The King of Beasts?A Theory on Asiatic Lions in Shang Dynasty China says: July 22nd, 2010 at 2:36 pm
[…] February 5, 2010 I posted the image of an adult male lion and a lion cub that I had discovered near Fort Davis Texas. I called this dual overlay image The Lions of Hong […]