1st Altered Island & Other High Altitude Art

Posted on Monday, May 17th, 2010

Location: Pavico, Peru
Last week I posted the Cyclone Covey Asian Couple. In the posting I suggested looking around the area for other unusual images. Today I want to point out what I’ve seen.
Image # 1– […]

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Cyclone Covey – Asian Couple

Posted on Friday, May 14th, 2010

I am dedicating these two “black water lake” images to Cyclone Covey. Dr. Covey professor emeritus of history at Wake Forest College has long been a proponent of the Asian Trans Pacific travel and exploration […]

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Betty Meggers Asian Dancing Girl

Posted on Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

Location: Near Walden Colorado in the Front Hoof of the Harris Horse
I am dedicating this geoglyph to Betty Meggers. Betty Meggers is an American archaeologist. ” Probably her best known contribution was her controversial assertion of a pre-historic relationship […]

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The Joseph Needham North American Chess Board Grid Collection

Posted on Monday, May 10th, 2010

I am dedicating the chess board like grids I have located in Alberta Canada and in Montana to Joseph Needham. (December 1900 to March 1995). Dr. Needham is recognized worldwide as the authority on ancient […]

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Chess Board Land Patterns in North America

Posted on Friday, May 7th, 2010

These “chess boards” show up on Google Maps and Bing Map Satellite images. In my opinion these patterns weren’t done within the last 600 years for the following reasons:

They all show significant signs of deterioration.
They […]

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Posted on Friday, April 30th, 2010

(Click Here to View Image)
Location: North East Corner of Washington State
Former: Washington State Mayan Man
I am dedicating this geoglyph to Mike Xu. Dr. Xu is author of “Origin of the Olmec Civilization.” After completing research on […]

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The Wei Chu-Hsien White Rhino Head

Posted on Friday, April 23rd, 2010

Location: Lewis & Clark  National Forest/Montana
I am dedicating the Montana White Rhino Head to Professor Wei Chu-Hsien for his book “China & America-Volume One”.
Studying in the 1920s at Tsing-Hwa University in Beijing Wei became convinced […]

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Why Does Alberta Canada Use A Different Land Measuring System?

Posted on Friday, April 16th, 2010

Since I made the possible connection between the Swan Hills, Alberta grids and the Zhang Heng “Bird’s Eye Map” I have been thinking about how it could be proven. I now believe it can be […]

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Zhang Heng’s “Bird’s Eye” Map?

Posted on Thursday, April 8th, 2010

I believe this “Bird’s Eye” map may be the prototype of the ancient Chinese quantitative rectangular grid mapping system.

Zhang Heng’s “Bird’s Eye” Map
Most maps are scaled down reproductions of a specific area and […]

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Marjorie Weaver Asian Lady Lake

Posted on Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

Run Cursor Over Image For Overlay
Location: Wyoming
Marjorie Weaver was born in Rochester, New York in 1917. She later moved to Kentucky as the daughter of an Army chaplain stationed at Fort Knox. She graduated as […]

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