Vajrayana Buddhism in Pre Columbian North America (Fu Sang)?
Posted on Monday, September 22nd, 2014
Hwui Shan, a Buddhist monk met with Chinese Emperor Wu Ti in 502CE. His trip to Fu Sang as told to the Emperor is described by Yao Sillan in the 7th Century. In 458CE he had traveled from Gandhara, to China, Kamchatka and to Fu Sang. Fu Sang, he reported was 20,000 Li (6,667 miles) east of Kamchatka. In the 3 rd Century BCE a Chinese poet reported that the ocean coast of Fu Sang was 10,000 Li (3,333 miles) away from a huge ocean on the other side of the same land mass. (That’s the width of N America) Hwui Shan’s measurement of the distance between Fu Sang and The Land of Women also indicates that Fu Sang was on North America’s left side. Google: ”Hwui Shan-I Believe I Can Show You”
Custom and Symbol Evidence of Pre Columbian Varjrayana influences in N America.
- Vedic Saptapadi- Seven Step Wedding Google: “Vedic Café-Seven Step Wedding”
- Toranas-Ancient Vedic Temple Gateway Arches Google: “Rainbow Bridge Hendon Harris” “Delicate Arch” “Anasazi Arch” “Corona Arch” “Window Rock Arizona”
- Chattras Buddhist Parasol/Mushroom (Auspicious Symbol of Buddhism) “Mushroom Rock State ParkKansas” “Snake Dancers’ Rock Walpi Village” “Bent Hoodoo by Ned” “. Isan Home of Ancient Dvaravati Ruins-Thailand” “Gandhara Stupa Chatta Images”
- Huge Rock Carved Phallic Symbols “China Phallic Rock Danxia” “Penis Rocks Arches Natl Park Images” “Wahweap Hoodoos by Tanya Images” Find image on 2nd row
- Two Large Vajrayana Symbols Visible Only From The Sky “Ancient Budda Tree of Life Lotus Flower” Location: Western Colorado
Internet Sources: “Pale Ink” or “God’s from the Far East” by Henriette Mertz “India’s Cultural Link with Ancient America” “Buddhist Mission Visits America Before Columbus” “Mandalas Mantras Manjis Monuments” “Were the Anasazi People Buddhists?” “Dimensions of Dine and Buddhist Traditions” Excellent book: “Navajo and the Tibetan Sacred Wisdom: The Circle of the Spirit”. Has endorsement foreward by the Dalai Lama.
I am personally persuaded that Hwui Shan from Gandhara was a Vajrayana Buddhist cleric and that he did travel to ancient North America as a missionary. This collection of old and new evidence needs to be subjected to critical historical review to determine the truth. I’d like to know your opinion. Is there enough evidence here to call for such an analysis? My email address is hendon.harris@gmail.com I’d like to do a documentary film on this subject. Will you support me in this effort?
The Beak of the 10th Sun/Raven-STILL GLOWS