Posted on Friday, April 30th, 2010

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Location: North East Corner of Washington State
Former: Washington State Mayan Man
I am dedicating this geoglyph to Mike Xu. Dr. Xu is author of “Origin of the Olmec Civilization.” After completing research on […]

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The Wei Chu-Hsien White Rhino Head

Posted on Friday, April 23rd, 2010

Location: Lewis & Clark  National Forest/Montana
I am dedicating the Montana White Rhino Head to Professor Wei Chu-Hsien for his book “China & America-Volume One”.
Studying in the 1920s at Tsing-Hwa University in Beijing Wei became convinced […]

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Why Does Alberta Canada Use A Different Land Measuring System?

Posted on Friday, April 16th, 2010

Since I made the possible connection between the Swan Hills, Alberta grids and the Zhang Heng “Bird’s Eye Map” I have been thinking about how it could be proven. I now believe it can be […]

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Zhang Heng’s “Bird’s Eye” Map?

Posted on Thursday, April 8th, 2010

I believe this “Bird’s Eye” map may be the prototype of the ancient Chinese quantitative rectangular grid mapping system.

Zhang Heng’s “Bird’s Eye” Map
Most maps are scaled down reproductions of a specific area and […]

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Marjorie Weaver Asian Lady Lake

Posted on Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

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Location: Wyoming
Marjorie Weaver was born in Rochester, New York in 1917. She later moved to Kentucky as the daughter of an Army chaplain stationed at Fort Knox. She graduated as […]

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